Of Walking with Saints Through the Best and Worst Times of Our Lives (Calvin Miller, Thomas Nelson, 1995), Dallas Willard (Professor Philosophy, USC), says:
“Walking with the author and these saints for a few weeks of meditative reading will open your life for Jesus to walk through it.”
You betcha.
To be sure, most of the saints referenced in Walking are of the Catholic tradition. I am not. I may not necessarily embrance every word of every Writing featured and elucidated by author Calvin Miller, but that’s not the point. To be redundant, The Point is to point readers to Christ. Miller does this masterfully, even majestically. Writings include:
Beginning the Journey with Saint Augustine: Seven Footsteps of Christ’s Coming into Our Lives
Arriving at Security with Madame Guyon: Six Defenses for Triumphing Over Fear
Finding Purpose in Life with Brother Lawrence: Five Means of Attaining Purity of Life
Healing Depression with Teresa of Avila: Five Windows of Light
Winning by Oneing with Julian of Norwich: Julian’s Three Gifts
Pilgrim’s Progress with John Bunyan: Seven Stations on the Journey of Life
The Penial God with the Unknown Author of The Cloud of Unknowing: Distinguishing Active and Passive Christianity
Conquering Pride with Bernard of Clairvaux: The Descent into Decadence
Sanctifying the Secular with Jean-Pierre de Caussade: Four Ways to Sanctify the Secular
Imitating Christ with Thomas a Kempis: Submission vs. Ambition in the Obedient Life
To be sure, Walking is not a “coffee table” type welterweight of a book. Miller expects - indeed, requires - his readers to think, to actively engage with the text on a level far beyond a yawn or a shoulder shrug. For those willing to do the work, however, Walking serves up hearty helpings of “soul food.” Well worth the read!
Changes at Emerging Women
16 years ago